“Wild nature” within Vietnam’s ruling communist party!

On the afternoon of June 20, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong of the ruling Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) received Russian President Vladimir Putin, in very poor health. He could not stand up but only sit in one place. His body showed many signs of swelling, possibly due to taking too much medicine. Private sources told us that Chinese doctors are looking for ways to prolong his life, day by day, so his body is injected with all kinds of drugs, making him look like a water ball, looks very lifeless.

Last year, Trong even tried his best to welcome US President Joe Biden, then Chinese President Xi Jinping. Although at that time, he could only lift each heavy step, but nonetheless still had enough ability to move on his own, much better than now.

In the last 2 appearances through the media, he only appeared in image form, not in clip form. At the 9th Plenum of the CPV’s Central Committee, he appeared haggard and shrunken. But when he appeared about a month later, in a meeting with “key leaders,” Trong had a waterlogged and sad face. Most recently, when welcoming Putin, he could not even stand up, nor could he sit up straight like before.

In Vietnamese history, there was once a king who suffered from a very serious illness to the point where he could not sit. At court sessions, he had to lie down to attend court. That’s why the people gave him the nickname Le Ngoa. That is King Le Long Dinh, the last king of the First Le Dynasty.

In the past, the king was assumed to be for life, so even if he was in bed or unable to sit, he was still king. But nowadays, there is no longer an absolute monarchy, Vietnam claims to follow the republican model, that is, the highest leader of the government only sits for a term, not for the entire life.

The position of General Secretary is the highest position in the ruling Party, and is stipulated in the Party’s laws, which are no more than 2 terms, must not be more than 65 years old when running for election, and must ensure good health to take on the leader’s duties. All of these regulations are intended to prevent a General Secretary from becoming king in the Party. But then, Trong overthrew everything.

He is a person who allowed himself to be above the law, clinging to the seat of power forever and refusing to go, while in the entire Party Central Committee with nearly 200 people and 15 people [except General Secretary Trong] in the Politburo, no one could force him to retire. The old man who was greedy for power had to leave his seat and be replaced by a younger person.

Clearly, this regime that calls itself “Socialist rule of law” is like a ragtag organization that does not respect the law. It is an organization operates according to the rules of wild animals, only “the strong win and the weak lose.”

From a General Secretary who established the rules of the game in such a “wild nature” style, a new force, which is the General Secretary’s henchmen, wants to emerge based on the rules of the strong. Therefore, if To Lam wants to rise to become the strongest fugure, he must attack and tear apart his opponents to become the winner.

Trong can be compared to an old lion that is about to die, but because lions are at the top of the food chain, no other species dares to eliminate the old lion. That is a tragedy for a nation, when it has to be led by a ruling Party, including such individual leaders. The Party always paints itself as a superior political organization but does not operate according to the rules of civilized society.

Currently, the forces in general, including To Lam’s forces, are also waiting for news, waiting for the lord of the jungle to die so they can step in and fill the void.

With the current mood, perhaps the day of “national mourning” for the General Secretary will not be far away. At that time, the forces will bite each other to the point of “life and death” to take the dominant position, like on the remote African steppe.

A wild picture inside the ruling political organization in Vietnam.


Tran Chuong – Thoibao.de