Canceling “Táo Quân,” party chief Nguyen Phu Trong himself plays a comedy at year’s end

Canceling “Táo Quân,” party chief Nguyen Phu Trong himself plays a comedy at year’s end

Mr. Nguyen Phu Trong has just caused big laugh on social networks when there was one more speech that comedian Hoai Linh also needs to learn.
After missing for a while, suddenly on January 20, 2020, General Secretary cum President reappeared to make a funny statement “No ruling party in the world is loved by the people like ‘Our Party’.
On the occasion of the Lunar New Year and the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), Mr. Trong said, “To speak fairly and frankly, we have mistakes sometimes. But in the spirit of self-criticism and criticism, the Party soon realized the mistakes, shortcomings and resolutely corrected, whether painful or faced with numerous difficulties and barriers.
Mr. Trong explained, it is thanks to the spirit of “self-criticism and criticism that “there is hardly any nation in the world when it comes to the ruling Party, the people are devoted to a respect, pride and love like the Vietnamese people to the Communist Party of Vietnam.”

General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong

Seeming to grow old, concurrently hold two positions of general secretary and president, the intensity of working is much, so Mr. Nguyen Phu Trong has often expressed brazen content, very far from the reality of life.
The interview with Mr. Nguyen Phu Trong was aired at a time when the public was still relentless in criticizing the party and its government for what was considered a “heartless act” when conducting raids in Dong Tam commune just before the traditional New Year of the nation, killed the 84-year-old party member Le Dinh Kinh and arrested dozens of local young men and women.
It can be said that there has never been a time when the Vietnamese people have hated against the Communist Party like now.
Yet General Secretary can still say that his party is more popular than any ruling party in the world, but it shows how low is his knowledge.
A party that brings thousands of well-equiped police to persecute people while they are still asleep

More than 10 days after the incident, the public can still see clearly the wave of public discontent manifested through social networks and “civil disobedience” actions.
Articles that reproach, protest and resent Vietnam’s authorities in appear dense on social networks. It can be said that now is the time when Vietnamese people see more clearly the party’s inhumane cruelty.
Not only killing people, the police also robbed the money of the people sending to support their victim’s family.

Recently, Mr. Trong made a stir by saying “dark clouds cover the sky but the sun still shines in Vietnam” making people laugh.
In fact, this is a judgment of some experts who prefer to use sweet words with the communist regime at the World Bank. However, the party head did not distinguish between flattering and loyal, so he took care of that saying to Vietnamese people.
But because the people’s knowledge level is now much higher, not as easily fooled as before, his unmatched words become a joke for people.
In December 2017, during a meeting with the Vietnam Veterans Association, he said “losing the regime means losing everything” and this saying also caused a great talk among the people.

Professor Chu Hao, former deputy minister of Science, Technology and Environment, later became director of Knowledge Publishing House. He was a person who always wanted to bring human knowledge to Vietnam. During the publishing period, he and his colleagues produced many books translated from foreign works about democratic and liberal institutions. . Therefore, readers are very supportive.
Mr. Trong, upon hearing this report, was probably too worried about the fate of the Communist Party and the outdated and defective theory of communism applied in Vietnam, so he personally ordered disciplinary measures against Professor Chu Hao. Trong said “disciplining a few people to save the entire party.”

At the 73rd National Police Conference last year, Mr. Trong stated “Always keep in mind, inculcate in your mind and implement the truth ‘For the country forgets the body, and serve the people’ and ‘we will be good when the party exists’.”
In fact, this sentence applies to the police who are brave to go against the national interests, only to protect the party, to put the party’s interests above the interests of the country and the nation.
At the 6th National Representative Congress of the Vietnam Veterans Association, for the term of 2017-2022, Mr. Trong said, “If your corruption leads to the party’s loss, we will lose our regime and all the results the revolution has gained will be lost.
His speeches do not have the silhouette of the people because General Secretary is only a professor of party building and not building for the country.

Thu Thuy from Hochiminh city – (translated)