“Gullible” in Party’s chief, Elderly Le Dinh Kinh killed

After 20 days from the day, the Ministry of Public Security headed by To Lam sent over 3,000 armed policemen to launch a brutal attack in Dong Tam commune and killed 84-year-old member Le Dinh Kinh who has 58-year party membership with 4 shots, now his wife, Mrs. Du Thi Thanh on January 29 appeared to tell the people about what happened in the early hours of January 9, 2020.

This is an image of the altar of Mr. Le Dinh Kinh placed in the middle of a house on the ground floor

My name is Du Thi Thanh, I am Mr Le Dinh Kinh’s wife. I record this video, when I am very lucid and of sound mind, I am currently very clear-headed, I am in good health. This is my account on the police persecution of my family on 9 Jan 2020.
On that day, at around 3am, I heard a loud ruckus in the street outside, I opened the door to have a look, I saw the street was full of security police, the police, I ran inside, as I was running inside, I saw pepper spray had been shot, guns were firing into my house, that day the police threw a lot of pepper spray, smoke [bombs] into my house, my house was full of smoke, my husband and I felt the burning sensation all over our mouths, our eyes, our noses. I came up with the idea to fetch some water, I went to get [water] for my husband, but I had not yet managed to do that, I was choking,.. I saw my husband, he made noisy [choking] sound,…He asked me to fetch water and a towel for him, I told him to wrap himself with the towel, then I saw too much shootings, I came outside to have a look, then the shooting of smoke [bombs] into my home continued, I retreated inside to where my husband was, then I heard too much shootings, so I came out again, then I saw the police broke down the doors, climbed the walls, came into our room, dragged me out.

Ms. Du Thi Thanh told an important detail: “When I was taken out, my husband was still alive.” Thus, after the police took all Le Dinh Kinh’s descendants into the car, they proceeded to kill Mr. Le Dinh Kinh. At that time he was alone with the document chests and the surrounding Vietnamese policemen.

Since my husband got his leg broken [in 2017 by an officer], my children and grandchildren slept [in our home], to look after [him] and protect [him] in case the police kidnapped him, they saw too much shootings so they ran up and down [the stairs], up to the ancestors worshipping altar, but there was too much pepper spray, they couldn’t bear it, they closed the doors, then [the police] burst in, arresting all of them.

On that day, the police kept on shooting at my home, they burst in, many of them, then they started to drag me out, covering my mouth, putting me in their vehicle, my children and grandchildren who were sleeping there [in my home] they ran up and down, then the police arrested all of them and dragged them away, when I was arrested outside my home, my husband was still alive, I saw the police bashed my children and grandchildren very brutally, barbarically, then they were dragged outside in the street, all of them were hauled to Mieu Mon [police] station.

Le Dinh Cong on VTV with lots of bruises and the police said he confessed.

At the police station, I saw the [police] again bashed my children and grandchildren brutally, they kicked, they punched their faces, their stomachs, they way they were bashed, I thought my son Cong [Le Dinh Cong] would die right there at the [police] station, I didn’t think he would still be alive.

[The police] kept slapping me, kicking me. I haven’t seen my son Chuc [ Le Dinh Chuc] anywhere. I saw at the police station, the [police] they bashed, they tortured people so horrifically, they used the pens to clip people’s fingers, all sorts of things. When they finished bashing, they forced [bashing victims] to sign a piece of document saying they were not subject to forced confession, torture, that night everyone had their mouths covered, put in a [van], then driven to where, I didn’t know.

When released Mrs. Thanh, policemen told her “we allow you to go home to arrange the funerals for your husband and your child/children, were we not humane, we would have shot dead all of you louts.”

The young children and I were allowed to go back home at 2am of Jan 10, 2020). The policemen told her “we allow you to go home to arrange the funerals for your husband and your child/children, were we not humane, we would have shot dead all of you louts. Since my husband was bashed and had his leg broken, my children and grandchildren came to our house to look after him, but they said we hosted dozens of drug addicts. I don’t know whether they came to kidnap us or what, as they didn’t produce any papers.

This account is all that I can remember, later, if my account differs, then it will be because [what happened] strongly affects me, affecting my memory, or because I am under pressure and forced to give a wrong account, I hope for your sympathy and understanding.  

a kitchen wall that was rebuilt after police used a mine to break into the house and took all of Le Dinh Kinh’s children to the car and killed him with 4 shots

Specifically Thanh said: “The day people stormed into the house, I slept on one side, and my husband slept on the other side (where the safe was shot and broken).

They stood outside the door spraying tear gas, gas and something. I coughed loudly and my old man was tired and could not breathe. I ran to get a wet towel to cover his nose, mouth … then they broke the door, rushed in, locked my arms away and the old man, I did not know what they did to himThe children gathered to protect their father, but when the tear gas, smoke and dust were out of breath, they ran all the way to the rooftop and then I heard the gunfire and explosions of crisscrossing, crumbling on it, the whole family panicked, chaotic… no longer know what happened … When they released, we came back and saw blood on my husband’s bed room. After buring him, we detected bad small in his bedroom and later we found a sack of clothes full of his gore under the bed.

Ms. Thanh revealed that her husband “believes very much in Mr. Trong’s campaign against corruption! He believes in Trong, supports Mr. Trong, and absolutely supports the Party.

Ms. Thanh said “Houses, all ransacked, the soil map plastered on the wall had been torn off. Police took the wooden box that had the map, the files of land papers … all in it … they took away all

I said “Why have you not hidden the documentation after knowing that they would attack?”

Mrs. Thanh said “No one expected it. My husband believed in Mr. Trong to fight against corruption! He believes in Mr. Trong, supports Mr. Trong, and supports the Party completely … Who would have expected it!

She cried again … I continued to ask, “In addition to calves losing the land document box, did they take anything else?” She replied “They took Uy’s wife’s car and two metal safes of Cong and Chuc houses.”

Regarding the fact that 3 poice officers were burned, Mrs. Thanh said, “The whole village no one saw, no one knew when they died, when, later they only learned from police …

I continued to ask “People say that that day there were 20 drug addicts who were raised by Mr. Kinh in the house … were very much against the person on duty,” Mr. Thanh said: “There is no addict! My family still doesn’t have enough to eat, how can we feed outsiders?

My husband bought a dish of breakfast rolls that we still had to cut, gave me half, and told me to eat so that I could take medicine …” Thanh choked up and said nothing more.

I continued to ask, “So that day, how did the policemen die, did you and your family know? Did your relatives throw petrol bombs into the sky well to make them burn to death?” Old Uncle Thanh cried out again …!

At that moment, Mr. Thanh’s neighbors and two daughters came in. Everyone replied in unison: “The whole village no one saw, no one knew when they died, when, and later, only learned from police.”

I continued to ask “So, why did your brothers and sisters confess that they were throwing petrol bombs into a sky and burning them up?”

Specifically Thanh and a few of them said: “I don’t know, they probably were hurt too much, they had to accept it, but Uy had just shown his face on the terrace and was shot by a broken arm, and let the dog chase … You can run to your yard to throw a petrol bomb …?

The bedroom where Le Dinh Kinh was killed, (the bloodstains were smudged.)

The incident in which Vietnam’s police headed by General To Lam, deployed thousands of armed policemen to attack and kill party member Le Dinh Kinh, which blew up the fire of hatred from true party members and millions of people in the country and abroad for the authorities in Hanoi.

Next, the action of General Secretary cum President Nguyen Phu Trong and Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc immediately awarded the first-class medal of merit to the three policemen who died while persecuting the people, this is the clearest evidence of the barbarism and cunning of the Head of Party and State in Ba Dinh.

From here, over 90 million Vietnamese people know who is the enemy of the nation.

Hai Yen from TpHCM – Thoibao.de (Translated)