Son La: A Hmong woman dies in a hanging position at the police headquarters of Muong Lan commune

Headquarters of Muong Lan Commune People’s Committee

Mr. Th. Th. A of H’mong ethnic minority, residing in Kha village, Muong Lan commune, Sop Cop district, Son La province, on May 31, was found dead in a hanging position at the office of the communal Police.

State media quoted the confirmation of the above news from Chairman of the People’s Committee of Muong Lan commune – Mr. Lo Trong Dai. Accordingly, the incident happened at around 6 am on May 31. When the commune official came to the office of the Commune People’s Committee to work, they discovered that she died in a hanging position at the office of the Muong Lan Commune Police.

The Commune People’s Committee also announced that, on the evening of May 30, the Muong Lan Commune Police coordinated with the Sop Cop District Police to take two suspected drug addicts in Kha village to send them to compulsory detoxification. One person was taken to the Sop Cop district police station; and Mrs. Th.Th.A. (60 years old) was said that due to “old age and weak health” so she should be kept at the office of the Muong Lan Commune Police to check and test for drug use or not.

According to state media, on the morning of May 31, the Commune Police unlocked the hand of Ms. A. to allow her to wash her face. Later, when the Commune Police and other officials arrived, they found this woman dead in a hanging position by the window of the office of the communal Police. (Translated)