The “treason” group loses because of China Intelligence, Vietnamese communist chief takes action to purge

Mr. Dinh The Huynh received the lightest sentence, given priority “in prison at home”

To prepare for the 12th National Congress of the ruling Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), a year before that, the fractions had been racing to draw sides for the “decisive battle” in the first month of 2016. Most of these fractions were campaigning in the country, only General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong had a bold move, that was, he went to Beijing to meet Xi Jinping eight months before.

After this trip to Beijing, the ambitious competitors were defeated, including then Minister of Public Security Tran Dai Quang and Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung. PM lost his power, and Tran Dai Quang still had a position, but was put in the State President position with little real power.

The 12th Party Congress took place in early 2016. Right after the closing day, Xi Jinping’s special envoy Tong Dao visited Nguyen Phu Trong. This meeting, informed by our informant, was about allowing the Chinese Intelligence Agency to intervene. Perhaps, at this time, Nguyen Phu Trong has smelled the smell of “treason.”

Not long after the 12th National Congress, the Chinese side discovered that the alliance group Tran Dai Quang, Dinh The Huynh and Dinh La Thang shook hands and wanted to remove General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. The incident was revealed around the beginning of July 2016, which is about 6 months after the 12th Congress. So, the purge begins.

The first person that Trong targeted was Dinh La Thang, because Dinh La Thang was in Ho Chi Minh City, far away from “the sun” and was the right hand of Nguyen Tan Dung, and at the same time the king of one realm of the largest city in the country. If Thang had enough time, he could really mess up.

The second person is Tran Dai Quang, who is holding the formal position of the State President. However, Quang still has many subordinates at the Ministry of Public Security, so he is also a dangerous competitor. The last person is Dinh The Huynh, then Permanent Secretary of the Secretariat, who stands by Trong’s side. Trong does not worry much about Dinh The Huynh, because the Secretariat is completely controlled by him.

The revelation, Trong beat Dinh La Thang. To defeat Dinh La Thang, Trong must start from Trinh Xuan Thanh, a subordinate of Mr. Thang when he worked at the Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group. At the end of July 2016, the press simultaneously spoke out about the Lexus LX570 car with the blue license plate that Mr. Trinh Xuan Thanh used illegally. From a very small error, but was simultaneously attacked by the press. Feeling that things are not good, Trinh Xuan Thanh quit the position of vice chairman of Hau Giang province, looking for a way to escape abroad.

When the case was revealed, the trio, Tran Dai Quang, Dinh La Thang, and Dinh The Huynh, were all monitored in every move, by China Intelligence and the Vietnamese police in coordination. Although they are in office, these three cannot “play cards of escape” like Trinh Xuan Thanh, but can only sit there and wait for the “judgment day.”

The need to destroy the group of “treasonists” is certain, but the excuse of “counter-revolution” cannot be used. Because the Communist Party of party is rotten, and there is a group of “treasonists” plotting an underground coup. Therefore, in order to defeat Dinh La Thang,

Trong had to borrow a corruption case to beat him, with the conviction that he was “responsible for the head” and “intentionally wrong.” This is similar to what Xi Jinping did in China. Trong should have defeated Dinh La Thang very quickly, but because Trinh Xuan Thanh fled, the case was long and noisy.

As for Tran Dai Quang, Mr. Trong asked the China Intelligence to take action. On the occasion of the Belt and Road High-Level Forum for International Cooperation in China, held from May 11 to 15, 2017, Xi Jinping invited Tran Dai Quang to visit China. This is the intended trip Quang’s mandate.

After returning home, Tran Dai Quang was found to be infected with a “strange virus” and after a long time of treatment in Japan, Mr. Quang took his last breath on September 21, 2018.

As for Dinh The Huynh, after lengthy standing as the permanent member of the Secretariat, on March 2, 2018, Trong took his position and assigned it to Tran Quoc Vuong. Dinh The Huynh is now highly “protected” by the regime. An informant told us that Dinh The Huynh was under house arrest. He is still the person who was handled the lightest by Trong. (Translated)