Vietnam Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and his deputy Tran Luu Quang compete to do chores

Tran Luu Quang’s direct direction will turn district leaders and provincial leaders into “smackers”

The landslide at Bao Loc Pass was caused by natural disasters (including part of man-made disasters). If it is a natural disaster, it will be difficult to avoid damage. In this landslide, there were loss of life, 3 traffic policemen and one civilian. This is unfortunate and heartbreaking for the families of the victims. Society sympathizes and shares these losses with the families of the victims.

It is known that to solve this landslide, from Hanoi, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh issued a directive. In addition, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang also came to the scene. People who have been buried by the landslide are considered incapable of surviving. The settlement of the consequences in the field is done by the local government, because this accident is only on a small scale. As long as the provincial government implements it, it doesn’t need two heads of government to directly direct.

Someone told us that mobilizing motor vehicles and departments for disaster relief and recovery is within the reach of local authorities. Moreover, they are in the locality, mastering the field situation, so they will have a more appropriate solution.

Once the Central Government intervened to direct, the local officials did not dare to run. Instead of leaving the district authorities to handle and report back, the appearance of DPM Tran Luu Quang at the scene caused provincial officials to be present as well. What a terrible waste of manpower.

In the military, each rank has its own mission. A general cannot do the job of a private soldier. An organization with clear responsibilities will only work well, and an organization where the top boss always involve into the affairs of his subordinates, it presents many problems. It was the superiors who wasted their time in vain, giving up big things to take care of small things. In addition, when the high boss takes care of the soldiers’ affairs, the soldiers seem to have their hands and feet tied. The fact that Tran Luu Quang and Pham Minh Chinh both issued instructions for a case, it would be a waste of the Government’s human resources.

When Tran Luu Quang arrived at the scene, the leaders of Da Oai district, Bao Loc city, and leaders of Lam Dong province were turned into “spies” for the Deputy Prime Minister. Meanwhile, Bao Loc city government and Da Oai district government have the capacity to handle the job.

In fact, doing politics also requires public image. The landslide on Bao Loc pass attracted the attention of the whole society. Tran Luu Quang went all the way to the place to direct, which is also a way to take pictures. And so is Pham Minh Chinh, who also let the press say that he has directing the work. However, this job makes local officials unable to be flexible. As a leader at the Government level, it is necessary to focus on work efficiency, not take color to build an image.

On the surface, it seems that the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister take care of the people, but if the question is asked, does this need the highest and second in rank of the Government to direct? If the district government can do it, let the district officials do it, but why does the government jump in? Is it possible that the Government is out of work, but the Prime Minister also directs from afar, and the Deputy Prime Minister comes to fight?

Behind this image for the people, is the image of two heads of the Government who are trying to gain own benefits from the case. If you are an administrator, you will immediately see the problem in the way the chiefs and deputy heads of the Government.

In fact, in directing rescue and remedial work, local officials do better than central officials. Because only local officials know the agencies, facilities with the necessary equipment, and local resources that can serve the response quickly and effectively. (Translated)