Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha, once supporting Formosa, now speaks about morality

Tran Hong Ha – Deputy Prime Minister

In 2016, when Formosa released toxic waste to the coastal areas of 6 central provinces from Ha Tinh to Da Nang, causing an environmental pollution disaster.

The sea was poisoned, fish and seafood species were killed, how can people stand the toxins in the fish and in the water? Once someone is poisoned, if they don’t die immediately, they will also get sick from poisoning and die slowly. As the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Tran Hong Ha should have requested Formosa to protect the living environment for people, but he did the opposite to encouraging local people to accept eating poisoned seafood to protect Formosa.

No minister has ever come down to the site of a human-caused disaster to carry out a false advertising campaign to protect the perpetrator, which is Formosa. Once people think that the sea is clean and the fish are not poisoned, it means that Formosa will have less trouble. Tran Hong Ha and provincial officials in the polluted area organized bathing in the same polluted sea. This action is not only dangerous to society, but it is also very miserable. They soldout the future of the people to protect the perpetrators of environmental pollution.

On July 31, when working with the Ministry of Construction, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha again raised his moral voice, saying that “there should be forests in urban areas.” Of course, having forests in urban areas is the criterion of green cities, cities with ideal living and working environments for residents. However, what does it mean, when now, the hundred-year-old trees have been forced to die, to make way for reinforced concrete buildings.

Remember, in 2015, at that time, Nguyen The Thao, Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee, cut down 6,700 old trees. Fortunately, the whole society reacted strongly, many people took to the streets to protest. Thanks to that, the act of killing trees stopped, after hundreds of trees were cut down. On that day, Tran Hong Ha as Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, where did he hide without seeing any protest against the Hanoi government destroying trees, and now, he talks about the forest issue in the city?

Pham Hong Ha left nothing behind as Minister of Natural Resources and Environment. People even remember him as an official who went to “promote” Formosa, with the task of making people accept poison eating, drinking poison and swimming in infested sea, to ensure Formosa’s safety.

Some people believe that Pham Hong Ha’s advancement is thanks to the strong Nghe An-Ha Tinh interest group in the central government. Such a Deputy Prime Minister, it is difficult for Vietnamese people to expect kindness from him, a former Minister of Natural Resources and Environment did nothing to protect the environment but protected the environmental destroyer.

There will be no forest in the city. Tran Hong Ha’s statement is just a saying, not implemented. Even with the government’s efforts, it can’t be done, because in today’s cities, concrete has already replaced the green areas. Before, no one could imagine Da Lat being flooded, but nowadays, it’s a daily occurrence. Just a heavy rain, the streets of Dalat will turn into rivers, and the slopes will turn into waterfalls.

When he was the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, many deforestation projects were submitted and approved by the Government. The central management like Tran Hong Ha should have been responsible for stopping such deforestation projects.

But not! Most projects destroy the environment, only the people oppose, and the government just ignores it. They even openly support, or silently abet the project.

Currently, the people of Lo Dieu, Binh Dinh, are struggling against the steelmaking project, it is unclear whether DPM Tran Hong Ha will support Lo Dieu’s people or support investors, as he once did support Formosa. (Translated)