Path to former President Phuc’s house has been blocked!

Vu Chi Hung, son-in-law of Mr. Nguyen Xuan Phuc – the person said to be behind Trung Nam Group

The path leading to Mr. Nguyen Xuan Phuc’s house is Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy – officer of Vietnam Education Publishing House, and Nguyen Bach Thuy Linh – Director of SNB Holdings Limited Liability Company. The indictment said that these two people told Phan Quoc Viet that they had a relationship with the leader. The indictment only mentioned that and did not delve deeper into who that leader was. These two people must have a real relationship for Phan Quoc Viet to connect. Viet is not the “foolish” type, so these two people cannot deceive Phan Quoc Viet by telling unreal story.

If the Ministry of Public Security tries to hide the identities of these two women, public will do it. Outside information said, Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy is the cousin of President Nguyen Xuan Phuc. Ms. Thuy is the daughter of Mr. Nguyen Thung – uncle of former President Nguyen Xuan Phuc.

As for Nguyen Bach Thuy Linh, it was determined that she is not related to Mr. Nguyen Xuan Phuc nor his wife, Ms. Tran Thi Nguyet Thu. However, Ms. Linh’s husband is the youngest son of the late Ambassador Ngo Dien (1920-2004). Mr. Dien is from Dien Ban, Quang Nam province, and is a compatriot of Ms. Tran Thi Nguyet Thu. The relationship between Mr. Ngo Dien’s family and Mr. Nguyen Xuan Phuc’s family is very cordial.

So, the relationship with the leader of these two women is a terrible relationship, not a boastful one. However, the road leading Minister of Public Security To Lam to Mr. Nguyen Xuan Phuc’s house is blocked from here. There are relationships in which the Ministry of Public Security has no right to interfere.

But the road leading to Mr. Nguyen Xuan Phuc’s house is not only Viet A case, but also another road. It is known that Mr. Nguyen Xuan Phuc’s family not only took advantage of his reputation, but also his daughter, Nguyen Thi Xuan Trang, and her husband, Vu Chi Hung. This couple also did not ignore the advantage of having a powerful father to do business with.

The Gateway School incident where a student died in the shuttle bus in 2019 was said to have been arranged by Nguyen Thi Xuan Trang to keep the school out of trouble. Because Trang is one of 4 shareholders of the business that owns this school.

And Vu Chi Hung – Mr. Nguyen Xuan Phuc’s son-in-law – is said to be the person behind Trung Nam Group, located in Hai Chau district, Da Nang city. And what’s special is that, when Mr. Nguyen Xuan Phuc was Prime Minister, he was often invited by Trung Nam Group to attend the groundbreaking ceremony of this Group’s major projects.

On June 26, 2016, Mr. Nguyen Xuan Phuc, then Prime Minister, attended the groundbreaking ceremony of the project “Resolving tidal flooding in Ho Chi Minh City area.” This project was awarded to Trung Nam Group, Currently, it is a den of violations. If opened, it could also be a path leading to the house of former President Nguyen Xuan Phuc.

The Viet A case still has many clues to uncover the “final boss” but almost all directions of investigation are closed. The case can only be opened to that extent. Once the political negotiations have been completed at the top, To Lam is considered not to be touched.

Mr. Nguyen Xuan Phuc was considered wise when he took full advantage of the opportunity to appear before the press to announce that, “My family, my wife, and my children do not have personal interests or corruption related to Viet A, never met Director Viet A. This has been clearly concluded by the Central Inspection Commission.”

Although this statement was later taken down by the Central Commission for Propaganda and Education, the entire people knew it. That was considered a shield blocking To Lam’s way to the former President’s house.

Doing politics means having to use tricks, knowing how to trap each other so that the enemy cannot harm you. However, the communists easily break their words. Because once there are no witnesses, the promises made when negotiating the price on the political chessboard will become meaningless. (Translated)