Head of Communist Party of Vietnam’s Internal Affairs Commission urges localities to completely solve corruption cases

Mr. Phan Dinh Trac – Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Commission for Internal Affairs (Lao Dong)

Head of the Central Commission for Internal Affairs Phan Dinh Trac on March 31 urged the steering committees of anti-corruption in the provinces to completely solve major corruption cases to prepare well for the mid-term review vote of confidence in order to prepare personnel affairs for the Party Congress at all levels next term.

The state-controlled media said that in an online briefing with the provincial Steering Committees for Anti-Corruption and the Internal Affairs Departments of the provincial Party Committee and Party Committee in the first quarter of 2023, Mr. Trac mentioned the names of the cases needed to be resolved soon include: Viet A, AIC, FLC, Van Thinh Phat, the vehicle registry.

These are cases under the supervision and direction of the Steering Committee for the Prevention and Control of Corruption and Negativity of the Communist Party of Vietnam and related to many localities. A number of senior leaders at local and central levels have been probed and disciplined for their involvement in these cases.

According to statistics given at the conference, up to now, 540 cases have been put under the supervision and direction of the provincial steering committees. In which, there are cases related to Viet A, AIC, FLC companies, and cases of vehicle registration activities across the country.

In the first quarter of 2023, localities have probed 737 cases. In which, 512 cases/1,283 were accused of corruption crimes and 225 cases/835 defendants probed for negative behavior.

Thoibao.de (Translated)