Vietnamese communists’ annual victory celebration hurts nation’s unification

To Lam sends secret police to go to Thailand to kidnap people who are exercising their right to freedom of speech, how can we unite?

On April 30, 2023, the Vietnamese Government’s Information website published an article “April 30- Victory day of the Unity spirit.” Is there really a so-called “great unity” spirit when after that terrible April 30, Vietnamese people left the country in fear, even though it might be attacked by sharks, but people still decided to cross the border to escape the communist regime?

If the people were united, why would there be such a tragedy? The nearly 2 million Vietnamese living in the US today are the mark of that horrible day of flight. If the Communist Party of Vietnam is tolerant of its own people, what is the point of fleeing at the risk of life?

In fact, after April 30, 1975, there was a barbaric revenge against those who had served in the government of the Republic of Vietnam. Those were concentration camps, in which people were forced to do hard labor, not inferior to the French colonial period. Inside those camps, the Communist government treated them badly. Many people died of murder, of disease, and of exhaustion in these camps.

Acts of enmity never bring about reconciliation. That is the eternal rule. In order to reconcile the nation, first of all, the winning party must be tolerant and must treat the losing party as ordinary citizens. America used to have a very fierce civil war between North and South, but unlike Vietnam, the victors treated the losers with tolerance, and that is part of the strength of America today.

The war has ended for 48 years now, a long time, the people who used to hold the guns of the losing side have aged and many people of this generation have also passed away. However, Vietnam still cannot implement national reconciliation. Even a large number of people born after 1975, who were trained in the Communist Party’s socialist school, but they still cannot accept the current Communist government’s behavior. The government is very petty, infamous, likes to control the people, imprison those who speak the truth, and take revenge on those they do not see. With such a nature of the Party alone, it is unacceptable for any Vietnamese to be awakened and understand the cause. And national division is also taking place in the heart of Vietnam, even in the generations born after 1975.

In fact, those who have the opportunity to leave Vietnam and go to capitalist countries, and see how they build their society, can also realize the toxicity in the way their country is governed by the Communist Party of Vietnam. In a society ruled by the party, people become deceitful, greedy, and cruel to each other. Theft and scam take place everywhere, using the phone on the street is easy to be snatched, leaving a car without being watched is lost, etc.. socialist people only know how to use their minds to deceive each other, to prevent each other, instead of using those energies do useful things for society like capitalist countries.

Looking at the picture on the top floor of the Communist Party, you know immediately that they cannot unite the nation. People in the pandemic, both threatened by disease and threatened by hunger, the Party does not know how to sympathize with the people, take care of the people, but also ruthlessly exploits them. People are stuck in a foreign land, they also take out their hands to plunder for profit. The whole machine is dedicated to doing that. With such a government apparatus, how will they reconcile the nation?

The Communist Party of Vietnam would rather not call for national reconciliation as their actions show enmity. They still take advantage, still consider the all peoples as their preys. They are those who have been causing national division, but their mouths still shouted harmony and reconciliation. As long as the Communist Party rules the nation, then there was no national reconciliation in this country. (Translated)