Fraction of party chief in internal fighting, Nguyen Phu Trong faces coup

A chaotic family means brothers fight, even kill each other. A country is in internal turmoil when the political forces accept no one, each faction wants to monopolize the state and is determined to eliminate the remaining forces.

Currently, not only is there a risk of internal turmoil within the Communist Party of Vietnam, but within the fraction of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, there is also internal turmoil. The person who caused the internal rebellion was Minister of Public Security To Lam – the person who had been highly valued by the General Secretary himself for many years.

For a long time, To Lam has been diligently collecting firewood for the General Secretary to feed the furnace. Now tt is time for To Lam to reveal his ambition, wanting to light the furnace himself.

For a long time, State President Vo Van Thuong and To Lam were considered literary and martial generals alongside the party chief. Both of them have devoted their efforts and devoted themselves to serving Trong. However, now that the general of martial arts has taken action against the general of literature, it seems that the General Secretary’s fraction is in real internal turmoil.

Vo Van Thuong sat in the State President’s position more than a year ago, not because Thuong fought with Lam, but because he was weak, so Lam pushed him to this “unlucky” position. Because this position is symbolic and has no real power. It has no real reputation and does not have the authority or strength to protect its owner. Lam clearly understood this danger, so he pushed it to Thuong.

Yet, now, Lam wants to eliminate Thuong, to take over the position of State President. Some knowledgeable people said that the position of President is just a stepping stone, so that Lam can enjoy the special status reserved for members of the Four Pillars who are overage, so that from there, he has the opportunity to compete with the remaining pillars for the party chief.

After Thuong falls, if nothing changes, there is a high possibility that Lam will sit as State President. This time, he jumped out to win the position, because at the Ministry of Public Security, he was ready for Luong Tam Quang or Nguyen Duy Ngoc to fill the Ministerial position he leaves behind. Only when the Hung Yen forces firmly grasp the Ministerial position will To Lam feel secure in sitting in the State President’s chair.

Lam’s drastic action against Thuong shows that he is very determined. The State President’s seat was rejected by him more than a year ago, but now, he needs it to compete for supremacy with Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and top legislator Vuong Dinh Hue. Therefore, he did not hesitate to bluntly defeat his “brother on the same side” Thuong.

For a long time, Trong has still expressed his intention to raise Hue as his successor. If Trong is allowed to sit as General Secretary until the end of his term, it is likely that he will introduce the incumbent top legislator  to replace him, not Lam. Therefore, if Lam does not quickly take the throne before the 14th National Congress, Lam’s opportunity to become General Secretary will end. Therefore, there is a very high possibility that To Lam will stage a “covert coup” to replace Trong before the 14th National Congress takes place.

Up to now, Lam has always played the role of a “compliant subordinate” of General Secretary Trong. But now, he has become tough, no longer as “good” as before. Lam also beat the comrade next to Trong, and tried every way to force Trong to eliminate Thuong.

Today, Lam can force Trong to remove Thuong, there is no guarantee that tomorrow Lam will not force the party chief himself to leave his position.

From the beginning of 2024 until now, Lam has no longer waited for Tran Cam Tu to act first, according to the previous “burning the furnace” process. Now, if he wants to bring down any faction, he himself will “capture alive” (i.e. capture alive) no need to go through Party discipline immediately. Lam’s intention is to attack, so that the faction of those arrested will have no reaction to defend themvelves. Clearly, Lam is setting his own rules of the game, and wants to abolish the rules of the game set by Trong. This is a sign that Lam is ready to usurp the party chief at any time.

Internal information said that Lam has prepared very carefully, Luong Tam Quang and Nguyen Duy Ngoc, one will replace him as police chief, the other will be Chief of the Party Central Office, if Lam became General Secretary.

For 200 members of the Party Central Committee to choose the General Secretary, there is no way they would choose a tyrant like Lam. Because once Lam ascends to the position of General Secretary, the members of the Party Central Committee will not be able to rest in peace. Therefore, there is a high possibility that after eliminating Thuong, To Lam will carry out a coup to eliminate Trong, to finish ahead of Pham Minh Chinh and Vuong Dinh Hue.


Trong is in danger of being “killed” by his own subordinates.

There is information that Trong’s health is not good right now. If he cannot survive until the end of his term, the person most suspected would be To Lam.