How does Vietnamese communist chief destroy country?

“Head” is the way to say it in the language of the state, and “underground society” is called “tycoon.” Simply, in essence, the “boss” is the leader. The leader among the “bosses” is called the “supreme boss.”

Thus, if it is said that the heads of ministries and branches are “bosses” in the fields they are responsible for, then General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is the “supreme boss” in the Party.

Currently, the way of operating and relationships within the Communist Party of Vietnam is no different from that of a gangster group. The elites do not need to demonstrate their ability or knowledge to lead the country, nor do they need to bring anything useful to the people. They fought each other to the death, whoever was stronger became the “top.” In gangsters, the law used is “gangster law” and in the Party, the law used is “law of the strong.” Only the strong can use the law, or Party law, to rule their opponents.

In recent years, many big figures in the Party have been knocked out of the political arena, such as Deputy Prime Ministers Vu Duc Dam and Pham Binh Minh, State Presidents Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Vo Van Thuong and recently Chairman of the National Assembly Vuong Dinh Hue. All are blamed for the “responsibility of the leader.”

If a soldier does something wrong, the leader must be held responsible. This is not a new form of punishment but has existed since ancient times. In the feudal army, there was a saying “soldiers lost then their leader will be punished” which was a way of assigning responsibility to the leader.

In democratic countries, there is also the responsibility of the leader. That’s why there are cases of prime ministers, ministers resigning, etc. And that’s also why these countries are developing more and more, their political apparatus is becoming cleaner.

However, why does the regulation of “leader responsibility” under Trong not only not make the Party cleaner, but even make the Party dirtier, not making Vietnam more developed but is falling further and further behind.


The regulation of “head responsibility” in democratic countries does not exclude anyone, even if they are in the highest position in the political system. Since no one is an exception, this regulation helps eliminate incompetent, weak, or corrupt people from the apparatus. It cleans the apparatus from the top to the base.

In Vietnam, Nguyen Phu Trong himself – in his role as the head of the Party, does not bear the “responsibility of the leader” according to the regulations he himself promulgated. In his role as Head of the Human Resources Subcommittee of the 13th National Congress, but after a series of personnel selected by him fell due to corruption, he made no move to show that he wanted to ” take the leading responsibility.”

Trong’s “leader responsibility” regulation has defeated many people, except him.

Trong also gave himself a “special case” to overcome age limits, health limits, and term limits, according to the Party Charter. That is, he trampled on his own Party’s laws. That is also how he created a forbidden zone for himself, this forbidden zone forbids the Party Charter from touching him.

However, he still calmly preached about burning furnaces with “no forbidden areas” as well as raised a moral voice before the entire Party and the entire people.

To be immune to the Party’s regulations, one must win the highest position, to become the “supreme boss” in the Party. That is the reason why Minister of Public Security To Lam has been looking for every way to defeat “comrades” in the Party, to win the position of General Secretary. Because the position of General Secretary is the “ultimate boss” a position that can give oneself “special” things, that small bosses in the Party cannot have. Therefore, it is like a kind of “magic,” it attracts officials to rush into each other, regardless of tricks, to compete.

The time will come when Trong will have to leave the political arena, either resign mid-term, or retire at the end of his term, or possibly die. However, the precedent he created and left behind was extremely harmful. Whoever replaces him will be a terrifying abuser like him.


Tran Chuong –