When judges receive money but fails to keep their promises, what will happen?

“Receiving money by judges” is a situation that has become common in Vietnam, and is considered a major flaw in the judiciary. That is one of the reasons why justice is always bent by judges.

Tuoi Tre newspaper on May 3 reported that “Deputy Chief Judge of the district court was stabbed and seriously injured in his office.” The news said, a separate source of Tuoi Tre Online at the Cam Lo District Police (Quang Tri) confirmed that this agency is investigating the case of Nguyen Van Quy – Deputy Chief Judge of the Cam Lo district People’s Court, who was stabbed and seriously injured in his office.

The incident occurred on the afternoon of May 2, Cam Lo district Police received a report that someone attacked a district court officer, so they sent a working group to examine the scene and investigate the incident.

Accordingly, while in his office, Deputy Chief Judge of Cam Lo district People’s Court Nguyen Van Quy was stabbed by a man and seriously injured. Witnesses at the scene confirmed that Quy was stabbed while in his office.

Suc Khoẻ & Doi Song newspaper said that Quy is being treated at the Department of General Surgery, Quang Tri provincial General Hospital, with many injuries, including deep wounds, however, his condition is stable.

On social networks and forums such as: Quang Tri 24h, Nguoi Quang Tri, or Quang Tri Hot News… most opinions say that there is a high possibility that Quy accidentally “received a gift” from the family of someone who was recently tried after failed to fulfill his commitment, so they revenged.

At the same time, many opinions disagree with the use of violence, but also believe that the cause of the above behavior must be considered. It was not easy for the perpetrator to get into Quy’s office, because the courthouses all have security guards. If it is not confirmed that they are familiar with each other, or have been there many times, it is difficult to get access to this agency.

Facebooker Le Cong Tuan Anh appeared to know the case well and revealed: “Nothing is natural, because of the unfair trial. Every time a few guys rely on their power to oppress the people, people can’t stand it, that’s what it leads to!”.

Public opinion believes that it is extremely common for family members of the convicted to use money to bribe officials in the judicial and law enforcement sector in order to receive favor or lighter sentences.

Many National Assembly delegates have asked questions about the negative situation in the court sector, in which many court officials participate in manipulating cases.

Nguyen Hoa Binh – Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court once admitted: “There are a large number of court civil servants who have been prosecuted for criminal liability, because of negative actions, accepting money from litigants to reduce their crimes.” And that is also the reason why “the number of cases brought to trial is small, but the number of defendants receiving suspended sentences or light prison sentences is very high, in some places up to 45%.”

Even knowledgeable people say that the manipulation of cases has now become an organized system, with collusion between judicial agencies, using extremely sophisticated and complex tricks. The entire trial process has a common consensus between the police, the procuracy, and the court. Any criminal who has money, thanks to this line, may receive favor or ligher sentences.

That is the reason leading to the current situation in Vietnam, that is, any sentence, at any level, if you have money, you can handle everything, even the death penalty is possible. For big, serious cases, if there is a big force standing up to protect them, “nothing is difficult if you have enough money.” That is also the reason why gangster Nam Cam once declared: “What cannot be bought with money, can be bought with a lot of money.”

A resident in Hanoi, told Thoibao.de:

“To be honest, they can manipulate any case, no matter how difficult the case is, as long as you have a lot of money, just ask them. It’s not difficult to go from a death sentence to a life sentence, not to mention buying it to replace someone [sent to death]. In Vietnam, there are things that we cannot understand.”

In Vietnam today, there is not only the situation of “if you get caught, you will be guilty, if you go to court, you will get a sentence” but also “if you have money for judges, you will get away with it.” At that time, serious crimes will become light crimes, minor crimes will become innocent, it is a matter that everyone knows. Now, the story of judicial manipulation is common, people ask for help publicly.

In Vietnam there is no justice, because there is no independent judiciary and separation of powers. Once people no longer believe in the law, spending money to bribe judicial agencies is their salvation, so judicial manipulation still exists and develops./.

Tra My – Thoibao.de