Why won’t Vietnam Army let General Secretary To Lam “stand firm” at the 14th Party National Congress?

The controversy surrounding the accusation that Fulbright University is preparing for a “color revolution plan” is not a simple story. This is not just a normal reaction of the public opinion shapping force – AK47, which has existed for a long time.

Analysts assess that the “unexpected” departure of late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has created a power vacuum within the senior leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

Within just 73 days, since taking the position of State President with little power, former police chief Lam easily got the position of General Secretary, for the remaining time of the 13th tenure.

Currently, Lam is aiming for the position of General Secretary of the 14th National Congress slated in early 2016. With the role of General Secretary and State President, like Xi Jinping in China, he has the ambition to control the entire Party, State, Government, as well as the National Assembly, in the palm of his hand.

Before former Minister of Public Security Lam successfully carried out the “silent coup” plan, according to international observers, he had a “very low” trust position in the ruling party. In fact, he was assessed by the majority of senior leaders as not qualified, moral and virtuous enough to become the head of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

On the way to gaining the highest power, Lam has ruthlessly eliminated high-ranking leadership positions, including members of the “Four Pillars” group. They were potential candidates for the General Secretary position at the 14th Party National Congress, and were close to Trong, such as Vo Van Thuong, Vuong Dinh Hue and Truong Thi Mai.

While Trong is a figure very close to Beijing, and is wholeheartedly supported by Chinese leader Xi Jinping. Trong is known as the “prefect” of China, sitting in Vietnam.

Yet, former Minister of Public Security Lam did not bother to “touch face, respect”, “sent” National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue, the number 1 candidate for the General Secretary position chosen by Trong, back to his hometown to become a decent person, just less than 2 weeks after Hue met with Xi, in April 2024.

According to some opinions, this is considered the reason why China is pulling the strings for Trong’s henchmen, who are still numerous in the Party, to find a way to overthrow General Secretary Lam. Xi Jinping’s attitude when receiving Lam during his recent visit to China showed that Lam is likely to face no small “disasters.”

Most recently, regarding the Fulbright University event, international media asserted that this is a power struggle within the Party, in the “post” Nguyen Phu Trong era.

According to some opinions, the fact that the Vietnam National Defense Television channel – the mouthpiece of the Central Military Commission, the Defense Ministry, and the voice of the armed forces, has a report titled “Do not let color revolution change the color of education” is said to reflect the official viewpoint of the leadership of the Vietnam Army.

The removal of the above video is considered a test, as well as a probe of public opinion by the Communist Party of Vietnam, regarding Lam’s foreign policy views. This probe may be aimed at helping the military faction affirm its view: The center of power must belong to the military, not controlled and manipulated by the police as it is now.

The fact that General Secretary Lam will leave the position of State President to hand over to the military faction is undeniable evidence of the military faction’s disobedience.

It is not without reason that there are assessments that Lam will certainly be General Secretary for the remaining 16 months of the 13th term, but whether he will be General Secretary for the next tenure starting in the 14th National Congress or not is uncertain.


Tra My – Thoibao.de