Controlling Police forces, State President To Lam have more power than Politburo

In early June, Mr. Luong Tam Quang was approved by the Politburo to become Minister of Public Security. This was the first time that the Ministry of Public Security, controlled by To Lam, imposed demands on the Politburo, and the Politburo was controlled by its own tool. This is a sign of a bad future for this superpower organization.

There was a first time, so there will likely be a second time, a third time, etc. In fact, the second time happened not long after the first time, only about 40 days. This time happened right after General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong passed away. When his death had not yet been announced, the Politburo announced that: “The Politburo has assigned To Lam, Politburo member, State President, to preside over the work of the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, and the Secretariat according to the responsibilities and powers prescribed by the Politburo.”

When the chief dies, his deputy will temporarily act. Luong Cuong should have been the acting General Secretary. However, To Lam jumped from the Presidential Palace to the Party Central Office, seizing power from Luong Cuong.

Since To Lam “rebelled,” the political upper echelons have only had fighting and competition, and those who were structured are no longer as peaceful as before. And when Trong died, the power left by him was not handed over to the deputy in an orderly manner, but was snatched by To Lam.

To Lam can jump across and seize the position of General Secretary because he is the strongest person – the winner against all forces in the Politburo. The position of General Secretary is To Lam’s “rewward.” Thus, the Politburo continues to lose to To Lam once again.

Up to the day Trong died, To Lam had “exposed” the Politburo twice. And having controlled the Politburo twice, there will certainly be a third, fourth and many more times. It can be said that the Politburo is no longer a “super-power” organization, that title is now transferred to To Lam.

Once To Lam has seized the title of “super-power”, the upcoming central conferences will hardly escape To Lam’s intervention. Now that To Lam is the one presiding over the Party’s work, it will be very difficult for other forces to take a bite of this delicious piece of the cake of power. To Lam will reserve the delicious piece for his own subordinate.

According to the predictions of some experts, To Lam will hold both positions, General Secretary and State President, from now until the 14th National Congress. There are about 3 to 4 plenums of the Central Committee in the remaining time of the 13th term, with power in hand, To Lam can easily give great opportunities to his subordinates from Hung Yen, and others in his circle.

The phrase “super power body” that people gave to the Politburo, has shown a totalitarian dictatorship. However, when the title of “super power” is transferred to To Lam, then Vietnamese politics will turn to a new page, from totalitarian dictatorship to personal dictatorship.

After Nguyen Phu Trong, the Communist Party of Vietnam will also turn to a new page – a dark page for the forces that confront To Lam’s Hung Yen group. Before taking control of the Politburo, To Lam had already broken two of the “Four Pillars”, so when he took full power, To Lam would not miss the opportunity to rearrange both the Politburo and the Four Pillars. From confronting the “super-power organization,” it is very likely that To Lam will turn this organization into a tool to build his political strength in the coming time.


Thai Ha –