Danh mục: ENGLISCH


越共内部消息人士透露: 丁文尼(Đinh Văn Nơi),1976年生,籍贯芹苴省,现任越共广宁省警察少将局长,即将调任越共公安部A03司长(国内政治安全司 ),接替甫晋越共公安部中将次长范世松(Phạm Thế Tùng)。 陈文福(Trần Văn Phúc),1978生,籍贯河内市东英县。现任越共太平省警察上校局长,即将出任越共广宁省长职位。 阮光方(Nguyễn Quang Phương),1976年生,籍贯广宁省,越共公安部腐败及经济走私犯罪调查局(C03)副局长,即将出任越共公安部警察局腐败、经济和走私犯罪调查局(C03)副局长。 将接替甫晋为越共公安少将副部长阮玉林(Nguyễn Ngọc Lâm)。 陈文善(Trần Văn Thiện),据传是王廷惠党羽,即将接替C10局退休局长黎明雄(Lê Minh Hùng),出任C10局长职位。   据透露,黎明雄,1963年生,籍贯河静省,是越共中央组织部长黎明兴(Lê Minh Hưng)的胞兄,此兄弟二人之亲生父亲是已故越共公安中将部长黎明香(Lê Minh Hương),亦是苏林在公安部官场上的提拔者,所以可以认定黎明雄随是河静省人,但其属于苏林派系势力的成员。 2024 年 5 月上旬德国时报(Thoibao.de)曾对陈文善进行过报道: 富豪申德南(Thân Đức Nam)曾支付给黎明雄200万美元用以买断越共公安部监狱管理局长职位给陈文善。 苏林坐镇越共公安部长职位期间,暗地里大力推动买官卖官政策。苏林掌握独断专权之后,越共公安部内部买官卖官少则数亿越盾,多则上千亿越盾,最后亿美元计,越共公安部下属各厅、局一把手职位均价都以百元美元为单位明目张胆地叫卖。如今苏林权利登顶,离越共总书记职位仅一步之遥。 内部消息(Tin nội bộ)
Information about Nguyen Phu Trong’s Funeral Arrangements.

On July 15, 2024, Major General Le Huu Song, Director of Army Hospital 108, the Central Health Protection Committee and Chinese doctors consulted and concluded that General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong was brain dead. Le Huu Song went to 05…
Why National Assembly member Le Thanh Van being arrested now?

Vietnamese social networks were shaken by the news that Le Thanh Van, a member of the National Assembly famous for his many thorny statements in the parliament, was arrested by Thai Binh provincial Police and his residence and workplace were…
PM Pham Minh Chinh has bigger chance to become party chief

An inside source said: It cannot be ruled out that incumbent Secretary General Nguyen Phu Trong of the ruling Communist Party of Vietnam will not be able to complete his third term, even until the 10th Plenum of the party’s…
Party chief Nguyen Phu Trong may retire very soon

Internal sources said: General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong of the ruling Communist Party of Vietnam is under special medical treatment at Military Hospital 108. His health is getting weaker and he can barely walk on his own. It is also…
Vietnamese communist chief’s tricks and its result

In Russia, Putin abolished the two-term limit, to clear the way for him to sit as President for life. In China, Xi Jinping also abolished term limits, allowing him to satisfy his ambition for power for the rest of his…